What we believe

Our mission statement is:

to bring people closer to God and to each other.

We do this by prayer and presentation of the living Gospel of Jesus Christ in:

  • Varied worship that is reverent, relevant and rich in biblical teaching
  • Nurturing and supporting each other in our journey of faith
  • Outreach and service in the community
  • Sharing with our neighbours the love of God the Father and the truth of God the Son through the power of God the Holy Spirit.

Core Values


We believe that Jesus Christ, through His life and death on the cross and by his resurrection is the only way to know God and to enjoy a relationship with Him now and in eternity. We believe that the Bible is God’s reliable revelation of Himself, ourselves and the world in which we live.


In all our worship and fellowship together we gather as God’s people to learn more about Him through teaching and preaching the Bible, to worship God – Father Son and Holy Spirit, to encourage one another to live more wholeheartedly for God and to be a local expression of the world-wide church.


At Mitford we recognise that coming to believe in Jesus is the first step in our Christian journey and that we need to grow in faith day by day. We encourage members to belong to small groups in which they can support one another as they study the Bible and pray together. As part of our growing in Christ, we aim to discover and use the gifts God has given us to serve Him and one another.


We acknowledge that we need to be a praying church because we can do nothing in our own strength and that we need to be totally dependent upon God’s sovereign and gracious work amongst us. We therefore emphasise the importance on individual and corporate prayer.


We understand that our church exists to support, equip and enable Christians to worship God in their daily lives, whether at home, at work or in the community. This includes being obedient to God’s word and being available for those in need.

Reaching Out

As Christians we are responsible for sharing the Good News of Jesus with all. This means as individuals we desire to live our lives as disciples of Christ. As a church Mitford seeks to do this through our Sunday and midweek services, through our various activities and our community involvement and beyond.